When you find a place of interest, add it to the appropriate category within the Locations section.
- Things to Do
- This category is organised into various sub-sections.
- Attractions
- Museums
- Historical
- Activities
- Shopping
- Others
- All
- Food & Drink
- This category is organised into various sub-sections.
- Restaurants
- Coffee Shops
- Bars
- Others
- All
- Accommodation
- Locations related to accommodation. E.g. Hotels, Hostel, AirBnb.
- Filter:
- City contains Destination
- Category is “Accommodation”
- Places that do not align with any of the above-mentioned categories. E.g. Airport, train station.
- Filter:
- City contains Destination
- Category is “Miscellaneous”
*Feel free to add your own tags and update the filter.